Inventory management program is a great tool for managing the stock level. Among others things, the application is perfectly suitable for complementation of items i.e. it helps in grouping and arranging of items in the warehouse in a manner, which uses the warehouse space in the best way. This tool enables you to create necessary documents and its external simplicity (interface), as well as advanced software algorithms will allow you to manage your warehouse in the best possible way.

Creating documents basic function of our software, enables in a quick and automatic manner to generate such documents as:

– goods received note and goods issued note

– GRN correction and GIN correction

– internal receipt and internal issue

– corrections

– transfers

– discounts

– inventories

– inventory sheets

System efficiency one of the most important features of all computer programs is the stability of operation and work of the application. Thanks to the introduction of the modern technology Microsoft .NET and the optimization of the code, our software is very stable and resistant to the system hangs.

Work in a network for companies using multiple workstations, we offer the possibility of operating the application in a network. This works on the principle of CLIENT-SERVER i.e. one computer serves as a server and the rest of the workstations are the clients. Thanks to such solution, all workstations operate on the same data.

Recording of warehouse processes through the program you enter information about all operations that take place on the stock level e.g. warehouse transfer or receipt. Each such process is recorded in the program's database - thanks to that, you're able to check the history of warehouse transfers at any moment.

Possibility to create reports creating of necessary reports regarding products, warehouse flow from the given day/week/month. Reports may be exported to other software environments e.g. to excel, and there's also a possibility of printing it out.

Other software functions

– Any configuration of the software e.g. possibility to hide handling of prices or clients.

– OHandling of the valuation methods type FIFO (First In, First Out) and LIFO (Last In, First Out).

– It supports input and output devices e.g. data collectors, label printers, which significantly improve the managing of warehouse transfers; also handling of the barcodes.

– Possibility to create labels for the warehouse products.

– Administrative system enables you to assign the rights to specific users.

– Handling of any number of warehouses and workstations.

– Transferring of data from and to other programs, such as Excel.

– It supports various types of formats, including PDF.

Welcome to the website of the Warehouse Program. The quality of the program certifies multitude of satisfied customers.

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+48 71 346 90 23

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